How Often Should You Increase Fish Oil With Toddler Delays?
In a study conducted in 2005 in the UK on preschoolers, fish oil was shown to increase vocabulary and even help with behavior problems. If your toddler is experiencing delays it may be wise to introduce fish oil and increase the dosage as needed.
Fish Oil for Toddlers With Delays
Pediatricians track toddler delays today more than ever, and parents are usually notified if their child seems to be behind. In some cases, you as the parent may be the one who is recognizing that your child seems to be developing slower than his peers.
Fish oil has been proven to help with a wide variety of toddler delays. First, it is shown to help with speech delays. Your toddler should be using a variety of two-word combinations by 18 to 24 months, with a typical 18-month-old vocalizing 50 to100 words. If your child seems to be lagging behind, you may want to try fish oil. Many mothers have noticed a significant increase in their toddlers' vocabulary after starting them on fish oil.
Fish oil is also helpful with learning disabilities such as ADD, ADHD or even more common behavioral problems. In fact, one of the most noted improvements in toddlers taking fish oil was in the areas of concentration and behavior. Researchers in the aforementioned UK study noted a reduction in ADD symptoms, and much less disruptive behavior. The researchers also noted that after taking fish oil, children improved so dramatically that in three months they went from being six months behind in learning skills to normal.
Fish Oil Purchase and Dosage
For a normal toddler, if your child is consuming fish a couple of times a week, it may not even be necessary to supplement her diet with fish oil. Otherwise, purchase a fish oil made specifically for toddlers and young children, such as Nordic Naturals. Liquid fish oil is recommended for toddlers rather than the capsules. Fish oil can be bought at health-food stores or natural-food chains such as Whole Foods. You may also order it online.
Give your toddler the fish oil at mealtime. For a toddler with a learning disability, start out with a smaller dosage. One teaspoon per day for a week is recommended. See if it makes any difference in your toddler's behavior or speech abilities.
After trying it for a week and if it seems to be working, you can keep it at that dosage. If you are not seeing results, you can then increase the dosage to two teaspoons per day with a meal. Once again, evaluate the results after a week. If necessary, increase the dosage to three teaspoons per day. You will want to break this up, perhaps giving it at breakfast, lunch and dinner.
It is not recommended that you increase the dosage more than that for a toddler. As with any supplement, always consult your doctor or pediatrician before usage.