Alternative Treatment for Childhood Leukemia
Important Treatment Information
Leukemia is a very complex cancer with treatment hinging on several factors. You should work with a treatment center and/or a doctor experienced in dealing with this particular form of cancer. Using alternative therapies in cancer treatment is controversial. Many doctors do not believe they are effective and that, in some cases, they can even interfere with standard treatments. If you are interested in using natural therapies as part of your child's treatment regimen, your best bet is to work with a doctor who is open to and knowledgeable about natural therapies. You should always let your doctor know about any supplements or treatment modalities you are using in addition to conventional cancer care. Consult a doctor to determine appropriate children's dosages of any supplements mentioned below.
Nutritional Supplements and Herbs
A daily multivitamin can ensure adequate intake of the most important vitamins and minerals. Probiotics can boost immunity and promote gastrointestinal health, both of which can be compromised by conventional cancer treatments. Omega-3 fatty acids, like those found in fish oil, decrease inflammation. Vitamin C provides antioxidant support. L-theanine supports the nervous system.
Green tea, reishi mushroom and olive leaf extract provide anticancer effects and enhance immunity. You can use green tea either in capsule or tea form, while reishi mushroom is available in capsules or a liquid extract. Olive leaf is commonly available in tablet or capsule form. Milk thistle helps the liver filter out toxins and other harmful substances; use capsules or tablets. Milk thistle might cause mild diarrhea when first used.
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, there is not a lot of research examining the use of homeopathy in treating cancer. Homeopathic treatments are based on a variety of individual factors, such as personality traits and other health problems, in addition to the main condition being treated. If you are interested in integrating homeopathic therapies, you should consult with a professional homeopath. The university recommends the following remedy to deal with the side effects of radiation treatment. Radium bromatum can ease side effects of radiation treatment, especially if it is accompanied by feelings of arthritis.
A healthy diet is a cornerstone of any alternative therapy regimen. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables which are rich in antioxidants and other cancer-fighting substances. Berries and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower are especially good. Cook with healthy oils like olive and canola. Eliminate refined foods like white pastas and breads as well as sugar. Reduce consumption of red meat and aim for healthier protein sources like soy, beans and coldwater fish.
Acupuncture might not be able to treat the leukemia directly, but its positive action against the side effects of conventional cancer treatments is well documented. It can relieve things like fatigue, nausea and pain. Be sure to see a licensed acupuncturist.