Liver Cleansing Information
The liver is the organ in the body located at the top of the stomach behind the right rib. It is the organ responsible for breaking down fat and converting it to energy, storing vitamins and eliminating toxins from the body, acting as a filter. When the liver becomes sluggish, it affects the hormonal balance in the body, and you may experience fatigue. If the digestive system doesn't function well, weight gain is a common result.
A diet high in saturated fats and refined sugar makes the liver have to work hard to function. Alcohol and various medications may also add strain to the liver. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is reported to assist with healthy liver function, and their water, vitamin and mineral content is also believed to cleanse the liver.
Many natural therapists recommend a lemon-honey fast to cleanse the liver. Lemon is considered to be a liver cleanser. Adding the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of honey to a cup of water is considered to be of benefit to the liver. A lemon-honey fast can go for anywhere between three to ten days and involves drinking 12 cups of the lemon honey mixture each day.
Milk thistle is believed to assist the liver in producing healthy cells and protect it from toxins. Dandelion root is used as a liver tonic and a diuretic for flushing toxins from the liver without causing the potassium levels to drop. Gentain is used to stimulate liver function and improve the production of bile, which assists in cleansing the liver.
Coffee Enema
Coffee enemas are often performed to cleanse the liver. These should be done with the correct instruction from a natural therapist. The coffee enema stimulates the production of bile to cleanse the liver and gallbladder. Herbs such as turmeric, mustard, gentain and yellow dock also simulate the production of bile. These can also used in the place of a coffee enema.