Alternative Therapy for High Blood Pressure
Omega-3 fatty acids can decrease both cholesterol and blood pressure; talk to your doctor about an appropriate dose. High doses can interfere with blood-thinning medications. Coenzyme Q-10, calcium and magnesium might lower blood pressure slightly; take 100 mg, 350 to 500 mg and 1,000 mg daily respectively. L-arginine helps blood vessels dilate, which lowers blood pressure; take 1,000 to 2,000 mg daily. Potassium in a prescription dosage might also be of benefit, but you should talk to you doctor about using potassium supplements for this condition at any dose.
The following herbs have demonstrated blood pressure-lowering effects. Achillea wilhelmsii (15 to 20 drops of tincture twice a day), hibiscus tea (use two tbsp. of dried herb in one cup of water once a day), reishi mushroom (150-300 milligrams three times a day) or garlic extract (400 mg three times a day) . Discuss using garlic or reishi mushroom with your doctor if you are taking blood thinning medications; they can increase their effects.
The following treatments are commonly used in homeopathy to address high blood pressure. Homeopathy is a very specific system of medicine with suggested treatments based on many individual factors including emotional factors and psychological makeup. Take as directed on the product label.
Argentum nitricum works best if you are prone to feeling claustrophobic and strongly crave sweet and salty foods. Aurum metallicum is most effective if you are of a more serious nature, feel worse at the end of the day and have a strong desire to drink alcohol and feel angry when you have failed at something, particularly career related. Use calcarea carbonica if you often feel tired and overwhelmed when ill, have clammy hands and feet and usually feel cold. Lachesis is most effective if you are usually talkative and agitated, fear disease, and feel tightness in the chest. Use nux vomica if you are prone to being impatient, get angry over delays, and are ambitious. You might also crave coffee and other stimulating food and drink.
Managing stress is an important part of naturally controlling blood pressure. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, massage can reduce blood pressure and steroid hormones, which are indicative of stress. If you have high blood pressure and are under a lot of stress, massage therapy might be of particular benefit for you.
Acupuncture and Meditation
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center,a small number of studies indicate that acupuncture and transcendental meditation (TM) can reduce blood pressure. More studies are needed to form definitive links. Acupuncture usually requires a number of sessions to treat a particular condition, and you will only benefit from meditation if you do it on a regular basis. To start off, you should try for at least a couple of times a week for at least 15 minutes.