What Is an Alternative for Threelac?
A first alternative to managing a systemic Candida infection is to change your diet. To "starve" the Candida infection, reduce if not eliminate all sugars from your diet. Eat yogurt with active cultures, beneficial bacteria that will help restore the proper balance of your system. For best results, you need to not only eliminate sugar from your diet but control foods that contain sugar precursors, including carbohydrates. This includes almost all processed and prepackaged foods. Managing Candida using diet is possible but difficult.
The supplement Syntol contains more than 3 billion beneficial bacteria colony- forming units. These beneficial bacteria compete with Candida and help reestablish your natural beneficial bacterial flora. Syntol is recommended because it contains more colony-forming units than other supplements; it has several lactobacillus bacteria species that have an additive effect. It also includes certain enzymes that will act on the Candida yeast, killing it.
Probio5 retards the growth of Candida through a combination of enzymes including protease, peptizyme and cellulase. This supplement helps restore your beneficial bacterial flora. Like other probiotic supplements, Probio5 will work best in combination with other efforts and not as a solitary solution.