Natural Help for Lymphoma
Stop consuming common food allergens, such as dairy, wheat, corn, soy, preservatives and food additives to see if you notice an improvement in your condition; consider getting tested for food sensitivities and allergies. Eliminating allergens from the diet can help you feel better overall and reduce inflammation in the body. Cut back on refined, white flour foods and sugar, red meats and trans-fatty acids which are commonly found in commercially baked goods like cookies and fried foods. Avoid coffee and alcohol.
Increase consumption of foods rich in antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables, particularly berries, kale, spinach and peppers. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage contain cancer-fighting substances. Aim for healthier protein sources like cold-water fish, beans and whole soy like tofu and tempeh. Drink six to eight glasses of water every day.
A daily multivitamin can address any deficiencies in the diet and ensure adequate intake of the most essential vitamins and minerals; take as directed on the product label. Probiotics contain the "friendly" bacteria that enhance immunity and promote gastrointestinal health, both of which are compromised by standard cancer treatments. Probiotics come in a variety of forms; take as directed on the label. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil fight inflammation; take one to two capsules or 1 tbsp. three times a day. Discuss this supplement with your doctor if you take blood-thinning medications, including aspirin. L-theanine supports the nervous system; take 200 mg one to three times a day. Melatonin can help you sleep; it is possible it also has anti-cancer properties. Take 2 to 5 milligrams before bed. Some practitioners suggest higher doses are needed for cancer but you should not use more than this unless working with an experienced healthcare provider who tells you otherwise.
Green tea, Reishi mushrooms and olive leaf extract all exhibit anti-cancer effects and boost immunity; take 250 to 500 mg a day, 150 to 300 mg three times a day and 250 to 500 mg three times a day respectively. Milk thistle will help with detoxification; take 80 to 160 mg three times a day. Wheat germ extract, mixed with the beverage of your choice, boosts immunity and contains cancer-fighting compounds; drink once or twice a day.
Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma usually require radiation treatment. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, homeopathy can address the side effects of radiation. Homeopathy is a highly individualized system of medicine. If you are interested in complementary homeopathic treatments for your cancer, you should consult with a professional homeopath.
Radium bromatum can relieve side effects of radiation, especially if accompanied by feelings of arthritis. Take as directed on the product label.
Other Suggestions
Contrast hydrotherapy can enhance immune function and help move nutrients and waste products throughout the body. Finish off a hot shower with one to two minutes of cold water. This will stimulate lymphatic flow. Acupuncture can enhance immunity. It is particularly helpful for lymphoma patients since it can help with detoxification. This treatment is also helpful for reducing side effects of conventional cancer treatments. Exercise can enhance your general well-being, ease depression and aid in detoxification.