Natural Pinworm Treatment
Garlic, an herb of the onion family, can be used to treat pinworm infections. Garlic has natural antiseptic, antifungal and antibiotic agents. Garlic works well as a pinworm defense because it contains allicin; this ingredient works in destroying roundworm infestations. You can consume garlic as a food supplement by eating 2 to 4g of fresh garlic daily: each garlic clove, when minced, is equivalent to 1g. You can also consume garlic in capsule form by taking 200mg three times a day to alleviate pinworm conditions. Bear in mind that consuming large amounts of garlic can cause gastrointestinal upsets in some people.
Quassia, found in the form of chips or shavings, is an herb that works well as a defense for pinworms, and the herb also improves your appetite. You can make an infusion of Quassia by soaking 12g of the shavings for 12 hours in a pint of cold water. After soaking, strain the mixture and consume 1 oz. of the mix three times a day. Since Quassia has a bitter flavor, you can also mix it in ginger tea to make it more palatable; use 1 to 2 droppersful of Quassia tincture to a cup of ginger tea. You should not consume more than 1 to 2g of Quassia a day. Pregnant women should refrain from using this remedy, because the effects on the fetus have not been determined.
Rue contains rutin, which helps suppress worm infections. Rue is derived from Ruta; it is a flavonoid that can be toxic to animals and/or humans in excessive doses. This herb has a bitter flavor; you can consume the tincture by adding 1 to 2 droppersful to a cup of water. Consume this two to three times daily to manage pinworm infections. This herb can upset your stomach, and it can increase your sensitivity to sunlight. This herb is not recommended for pregnant women since it stimulates the uterus. It is also not recommended for those with kidney problems.
Wormwood is an excellent herb for digestive ailments; this herb helps to improve your appetite, stimulates your stomach bile, and is an effective remedy against pinworms. You can make a tea out of wormwood by brewing 1 oz. of the herb in 10 oz. hot water for 15 minutes. Strain the mixture and consume ½ cup before each meal three times daily. This remedy should not be used by pregnant women or breastfeeding women, and you should not consume more than 1½ grams of wormwood two to three times a day to avoid toxicity.