Homeopathic Remedies for Scirrhinum
Dosages and Potencies
Scirrhinum is typically given in 200c dosage that is "plussed," which means shaken and dissolved in water, alcohol or another liquid. Potency, or the strength of the dosage, is determined by how much it was diluted and plussed. The 200c dose can be purchased at many homeopathic shops and at online retailers. It has been shaken and dissolved to a 1:100 ratio and is considered a potent dose. This dose is often used for chronic conditions, including cancer.
For treating worms, a dose of Scirrhinum 30c is usually given.
Taking Scirrhinum
Scirrhinum, like most homeopathic remedies, may be purchased as a small tablet. Avoid touching the tablets with your fingers, if possible. Pour the small tablets into the cap of the bottle and then pour them directly into your mouth. Or, the tablets can be dissolved in water and then swallowed. Be sure to have a clean mouth that is free of strong flavors as they can interfere with scirrhinum. Toothpaste and caffeine have strong flavors, so make sure your mouth is free of these flavors as well. Place the tablets under your tongue until they are dissolved. It is best to take this remedy at bedtime, when your body will be resting and not close to meal times. Discuss scirrhinum with a health professional before treating yourself.
Where to Find Scirrhinum
Scirrhinum can be purchased at many health food stores. Finding a local health food store or homeopathic doctor in your area can be a useful resource and a source of valuable information. It can also be purchased online.
Healing with Scirrhinum and Homeopathic Remedies
In his book "Getting in Touch with Yourself, Finding Your Homeopathic Remedy," Frederik Schroyens, M.D., states that a cure is not simply the disappearance of one or several complaints, but an optimally stable equilibrium physically as well as psychologically. Excerpts of his book can be found at wholehealthnow.com.
Scirrhinum can be a helpful remedy on your healing journey.