Alternative Medicines for Cancer
Coenzyme is a material which is produced naturally in the body and is used to promote cell growth and it helps to protect cells against damage which might turn them cancerous. Since this substance has not been tested in conjunction with chemotherapy, it is sold as a dietary supplement and is not regulated by the FDA. Tests on the effects of this supplement in animals have shown an increase in immune system function, which may lead to tumor shrinkage. Also, some clinical trials of coenzyme have found that it is effective in protecting the heart against side effects of another cancer drug, doxorubicin. While no serious side effects have been reported, further studies are needed to determine how it will react with chemotherapy.
Hydrazine Sulfate
Hydrazine Sulfate is a chemical compound which may be helpful in treating cancer by blocking tumors from taking in glucose, a sugar which they need to grow. It also might block a substance called TNF-Alpha which is made by the body's white blood cells. When levels of this substance get too high, it can result in a breakdown of muscles. This breakdown can create the sugars that cause tumors. Side effects of Hydrazine Sulfate have been reported to be mild to moderate, including nausea, vomiting, dizziness, abnormal feelings in the arms and legs, nerve inflammation, dry skin and itching, insomnia, and low blood sugar. The FDA has not approved the use of this drug for cancer treatment, but this compound is sold as a dietary supplement.
Milk Thistle
The fruit and seeds of the milk thistle are primarily used for remedies for ailments affecting your liver and bile ducts. This plant contains an antioxidant which helps to protect against the cell damage which can cause cancer. This plant has been studied in animals for its potential to make chemo therapy less toxic and more effective, but there have been no trials done on humans. Since this plant is sold as a dietary supplement, there are very few side effects. This plant has not yet been approved by the FDA.