Flax Oil and Weight Loss
For those who ingest low-fat or no-fat food, consuming flaxseed oil might not sense. But flaxseed oil is the opposite of regular, saturated fat. Instead of contributing to obesity, cardiovascular disease, stroke and other diseases, flaxseed oil can help reverse some of these conditions. Rather than trying to mislead the body with calorie restriction and no-fat or low-fat foods, flaxseed oil joins with the metabolic systems in the body, leading to natural weight loss and weight loss retention.
Flaxseed oil has fatty acids considered essential nutrients. With 115 calories per tablespoon, flaxseed oil contains an ample amount of calories not directly converted into fat. Because the body tends to crave sweets and looks for essential nutrients that cannot be produced naturally, taking flaxseed oil can reduce these cravings while supplying the body with essential nutrients.
Add flaxseed oil to your diet on a daily basis to create a feeling of satiation and fullness. Flaxseed oil can be added to foods or taken with a meal in the form of a supplement.
The essential fats contained in flaxseed oil enable the food in the stomach to be retained for a longer period of time, when compared with no fat or low fat foods.
Adding flaxseed oil to food has the advantage of creating a gradual release in the small intestine. This means that blood sugar rises more slowly, with a sustained blood-sugar level, before it plateaus. Eventually, the blood sugar undergoes a steady drop. This action corresponds to increased energy and a greater feeling of satiety after a meal. Ultimately, by incorporating flaxseed oil into your diet, you will feel fuller for an extended period of time, and tend to eat less, leading to weight loss.
Most people benefit from taking flaxseed oil with meals. The recommended dose is 1 to 2 tbsp. a day in divided doses with each meal. To ensure product freshness, choose oils with an expiration date of less than four months.
In regard to weight loss, flaxseed oil provides the following benefits. It lessens cravings for sweets and fatty foods; it boosts metabolism; it promotes a feeling of fullness; it helps regulate blood sugar; it helps maintain normal insulin levels. These reasons should warrant including a daily dose of flaxseed oil in your diet each day.