Alternative Treatment for Hives
Amaranth Seeds
Amaranth is an herb that has been around for centuries. It is known for its medicinal and nutritional benefits. The seeds of amaranth have been used for several decades as an astringent, mouthwash and as a remedy for skin problems such as acne and hives. For the relief and prevention of hives, add two to three tablespoons of amaranth seeds into three cups of boiling water. After allowing the mixture to steep, consume the entire drink. This can be repeated a few times daily until the hives are gone. The itching will diminish shortly after the first few drinks.
Ginger is a readily available herb that is used for a multitude of ailments, including eliminating hives and diminishing the itching and burning. Start by boiling a half a pound of ginger in a gallon of water. Pour the mixture into your bath and soak yourself in the water for at least 30 minutes. Ginger may also be taken as supplements. Take 500 mg two to three times daily until the hives disappear.
Sandalwood Oil
Another natural treatment for hives is sandalwood oil. Sandalwood has an assortment of uses including calming and soothing itching skin that is associated with hives. Generously apply sandalwood oil to the affected areas on the skin. You may use your hands to apply the oil and wash immediately after the application, but a cotton ball is recommended. After it is spread evenly over the affected areas, leave the sandalwood oil on the skin, then repeat the procedure every three hours.