How to Benefit from Titanium Bracelets
Relieve pain with titamium bracelets. Titanium bracelets are often worn as a cure for carpel tunnel syndrome. One theory is that, when magnets are applied to a painful area of the body, the nerves in that area are stimulated, thus releasing the body's natural painkillers. Another theory maintains that when magnets are applied, all the cells in that area react to increase blood circulation, ion exchange, and oxygen flow to the area.
Heal your body faster. Titanium bracelets are a type of local anesthetic as well as a healing compound, because wearing a local ornament containing titanium assists in speeding up the body's own immune system. Utilizing the proper application of negatively charged magnets in contact with the relevant part of the body heightens the body's instinctive power to mend quicker and reinstate a natural healthy state.
Use titanium bracelets for their potent anti-inflammatory properties. The application of a magnetic field to an injured area helps restore the normal electromagnetic balance. This relaxes capillary walls, as well as surrounding muscle and connective tissues, allowing for increased blood flow. More oxygen and nutrients are transferred to the injury site, while pain and inflammatory-related electro chemicals are more efficiently removed.
Fight infections. Titanium bracelets are worn for the same reasons of other magnets. General uses include the ability to fight infections.
Boost Energy levels. Magnetic therapy dates as far back as the ancient Egyptians. Magnets have long been believed to have healing powers associated with muscle pain and stiffness; lodestones on the body, just as titanium bracelets on the wrist, were worn to correct unhealthy imbalances in the flow of "qi," or energy.