Remedy for a Swollen Lip
Use warm water to treat your swollen lips. Pour hot water into a small cup or bowl. Add a little salt. Submerge your lips into the bowl for a few minutes. Only use if the swelling is accompanied by cuts to the lip.
Soak a clean towel in hot water and place on lips. Only use if the swelling is accompanied by cuts to the lip.
Rub some table salt gently across the swollen lip. Salt is a natural disinfectant and will kill germs present in the swollen lip. If you have any cuts, this may sting slightly.
Cold applications may also work. Place a few ice cubes into a clean towel and hold to lips. Freeze a spoon and then apply it to the swollen lip to reduce swelling.
Allergic Reaction
Consult with your doctor if you believe the swollen lip may be caused by an allergy. Signs of an allergic reaction may include itchiness and swollen red lips.
Avoid potential allergens. Take notes on recently eaten foods, new cosmetics or soaps or recent bug bites. You could also be allergic to bed linens or your pillow. Discuss with your doctor.
Try to not lick your lips as this could cause further damage.
Place a tea bag in a cup of warm water. Remove the tea bag. Cool and apply to swollen lip. Repeat until swelling is gone.
Soak a cotton ball in witch hazel. Apply to the lip.
Aloe Vera gel, or juice, placed on the swollen lip should reduce swelling. Aloe Vera is known to be anti-inflammatory.
Eat foods that contain vitamins A, B, C and E. Include green leafy vegetables and fruit.
Avoid foods that may aggravate the swollen lip or cause further swelling. These include foods containing butter and cheese. They also include chocolate, whole wheat flour or whole grains, tomatoes and nuts.
Do not drink caffeinated products such as coffee or tea, but do drink plenty of water to keep your lips hydrated.
Add ginger to your daily diet to prevent future lip health issues.
Your doctor may prescribe and antihistamine if you swelling is severe.
Lip balms with sunscreen will help moisture and sooth the lips and protect them from the sun.
Blisters or sores accompanying the swollen lips may indicate a viral disease such as herpes. You should see you doctor to discuss a treatment plan.
A vitamin B deficiency may cause swollen lips.