Brandt's Vestibular Exercises
What to Do
Note what side your vertigo is on. Sit on the edge of your bed. Lean to the side your vertigo is on, until you are lying on your side, on the bed. If this causes vertigo, wait for it to pass. Slowly return to a seated position. If this causes vertigo, wait for it to pass. Repeat.
Why It Works
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) and labyrinthitis are two of the most common of the ailments, which include the above symptoms, and no others (see link in References). In BBPV, otoliths (crystals lodged deep within the labyrinth of the inner ear), which are necessary for balance, become displaced by a virus or a physical trauma, such as a sudden motion or a blow to the head. This disorder can cause vertigo, dizzy spells, loss of balance, nausea and even falls. The vertigo is often one-sided, with a sensation of the head or even the body spinning clockwise or counterclockwise. In labyrinthitis, the inner ear is inflamed or irritated, causing similar symptoms.
Treatment's Worth
While it will help you to understand the "shape" of your vertigo--when it happens--and maybe to reduce symptoms, the Brandt-Daroff series is not as effective as a more-complex related treatment--the Epley maneuver. This is because the Epley maneuver more specifically repositions your otoliths, closely following the twists and turns of the anatomy of your inner ear. However, the Epley maneuver should be prescribed by a doctor in case your vertigo is caused by an issue untreatable by guided shifts in position.
Blue Cross of California states that there is no risk if you do the Brandt-Daroff series and recommends that if you are getting relief from this, you practice it up to 20 times a day (see link in References).