Alternatives to Estrogen Cream
Why Natural?
While most doctors prescribe synthetic hormones to women, these often have severe side effects and may even increase a woman's chance of being diagnosed with breast cancer. Some drugs containing synthetic estrogen, such as Premarin and Povera, have side effects, including blood cots, liver and gall bladder damage and depression.
Many synthetic hormones cause devastating reactions because they are simply too concentrated and powerful. There are many natural types of HRT that run the gamut from mild to moderate and often have fewer--if any--side effects.
Diet can make a world of difference in treating menopausal symptoms. Sufferers should avoid processed foods and focus their diet on fats and proteins. This will help decrease the body's sex hormone levels. Sufferers should also reduce their intake of alcohol, nicotine, soda and caffeine while maintaining high-intake levels of vegetables, fruits, low fat yogurts and grains. Antacids and diuretics should be avoided, and supplementing your diet by taking fish or flaxseed oil and a multivitamin is often beneficial.
The Chinese have used herbs for treating symptoms of menopause for centuries.
The herbs work by enhancing and rejuvenating glands and organs, and even help make bones stronger. Herbal remedies are recommended for women who have had cancer or are at risk, or who in general have mild menopausal symptoms. Even if you are already taking hormones, Chinese herbs can help with symptoms that are not disappearing. A strength of herbal treatment is that works on the whole body.
Natural Creams and Pills
Natural estrogen creams and pills do exist on the market. They are typically made of Mexican wild yam root, licorice and soy. For a lot of women, these natural creams and pills can help relieve symptoms of menopause.
More commonly used in Europe, estriol is the weakest form of estrogen created in the body. It is extracted from wild yam root. Since it is natural estriol cannot be patented by pharmaceutical companies and therefore is not suggested to US doctors like many new drugs usually are. Milder and safer than other types of estrogen, estriol is thought to help weaken tumors and prevent cancer.