Natural Ways to Stop Menstrual Cycle
Squaw Mint Tea
Squaw Mint, or hedeoma pulegiodes, can be made into a tea that is full of flavor. Native American women used it to help stop menstruation, and many believed it could prevent pregnancy if consumed daily. According to the National Library of Medicine's MedlinePlus website, although effective at stopping menstrual flow, this tea can be deadly if even consumed in even small amounts and should be avoided until further research is complete.
Reduce Menstrual Flow
Author Deb Soule describes a specific technique for reducing the flow of menstruation in the book "The Roots of Healing: A Woman's Book of Herbs." To begin, you must first eliminate aspirin, caffeine, salt, red meat and any pills or supplements which include estrogen from your daily diet. Next, make a mixture of the following which will be dispensed out of an eye dropper and which can be purchased at most any herbal store. Put together two parts of Shepherd's Purse, two parts of Ladies Mantle leaves and flowers, three parts of Yarrow, one part Partridgeberry. The author recommends 20 to 60 drops be placed on the tongue four to six times a day while bleeding to help minimize the strength of the menstrual flow.
Sanqi Zhixie
According to, Sanqi Zhixie follows an ancient formula used in Chinese medicine to stop all types of bleeding including menstrual flow. Marketed under the name Stop Bleeding, these capsules are formulated from notoginseng extracts, baked fossilized bone, frankincense, myrrh, purple gromwell root, dragonis blood, pearl, deer horn glue, mentha, catechu, astragalus and corydalis. The manufacturer recommends taking three to five capsules three times per day.