Natural Cures for Skin Parasites
Skin Rashes
One of the most common results of a skin parasite is a rash. According to the website, there are several natural treatments you can try. Many people find aloe to be very effective, and it doesn't have to be in the form of some store-bought, processed lotion. Simply cut lengthwise down each of a few leaves from an aloe vera plant, and carefully remove the colorless pulp from each leaf (not the yellow fluid, which is closer to the skin, but the thicker pulp). This is the gel of the aloe, and applying it to the affected area three to four times each day can clear up the skin. As a side note, only use fresh leaves.
Another of the natural cures for skin parasites is simple olive oil. Like the aloe, you apply it to the affected area, and it often gives relief immediately. Along the same lines is good old vitamin E, which you can find in cod liver oil. In the case of this treatment, you can either apply it as a topical ointment or take a vitamin supplement that has vitamin E in it. Also, vitamin C is good for the skin; so eating citrus fruits and vegetables, like broccoli and yams (sweet potatoes), can also clear up the skin parasites.
For a rash that is very extensive, such as associated with chicken pox, you can soak in an oatmeal bath. Run some hot water into a tub, add a cup of oatmeal (uncooked), and then let it "cook" for 10 minutes. Then take a bath, but be sure to not use any soap.
Helping Your Pet
When looking to help your pet with skin parasites, there are at least two natural cures you can use. The web site lists neem and garlic as excellent choices, and including them in your pet's diet can help eliminate the parasites. Also, wormwood, agrimony and lemongrass can be used to clean the skin and help clear parasites away.