How to Cure Jock Itch The All-Natural Way
Things You'll Need
- Loose clothing
- Dry towel
- Tea tree oil
- Salt bath
Jock itch, like many of these annoyances from Satan, is a fungal attack. What do fungi need? Darkness, warmth, and moisture. You're going to get rid of that. Take a hot shower and wipe down dry. If you can, grab a towel and head to a private place for a sun bath. Light and air are deadly for this fungus.
Make a mixture of tea-tree oil, water, salt, and some strong black tea. Dab it on twice a day with a cotton ball. The tannic acid from the tea will make the jock itch scream for mercy. Make sure to dilute the tea-tree oil well or YOU will scream for mercy.
Try a garlic compress. Hey, maybe you're lucky - your lady might be a garlic fiend! Whatever the case, crush two cloves of garlic. Mix it with olive or grapeseed oil. Pour this mixture on a washcloth and press it for 5 minutes on the affected area once a day. As tempting as it is, DON'T wipe it off. Yeah, it stings. Deal.
Apply a tincture of Listerine twice a day. Yeah, it hurts like crap. But the alcohol will kill the jock itch fungi while the antibacterial qualities of the Listerine take care of any bacteria.
Wear loose-fitting underwear. Now is not the time for a macho Speedo. Till your jock itch clears up, it's cotton briefs.
Dust your undies with baby powder. It'll make you smell like you're taking care of kiddies in the church nursery, but this stuff works. Trust me. Jock itch hates it when you wick away moisture.
Look for other good herbal jock itch remedies at your health food store. Unlike most of these things, natural remedies do actually work for jock itch.
Keep applying any remedy for at least two weeks. Even OTC jock-itch products like Lamisil and Lotrimin tell you to do this. Lots of people try the natural route for two days and then give up. Don't do this. Your skin will thank you.