Holistic Weight Loss
The following supplements have been studied clinically, but some have produced mixed results. They might be of benefit for you.
5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) boosts serotonin levels that can help to reduce appetite and food cravings. 5-HTP has been linked with the rare blood disorder eosiniphila myalgia. Take 600 to 900 mg daily.
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has shown modest benefit in reducing body fat and increasing lean mass. Discuss appropriate dosages with your doctor.
Zinc increases the level of leptin, a hormone that promotes fullness. It can increase lean body mass and decrease fat. Take 15 to 20 mg daily. Pyruvate occurs naturally in the body and might fight body fat by increasing metabolism; take 22 to 44 g daily. Glucomannan is a form of insoluble fiber that lowers blood sugar levels and might promote weight loss; take 1 g three times per day one hour before eating.
Psyllium husks can fight hunger by promoting a feeling of fullness. Take as directed on the product label. Green tea contains polyphenols, which might burn fat and boost metabolism; take 250 to 500 mg daily. Guggul is commonly used in Indian medicine to fight excess weight and has been shown to promote weight loss; take 25 mg three times a day. It can cause diarrhea and nausea; do not use if you take birth control, blood-thinning drugs, thyroid hormone or estrogen or have hormone-dependent cancers. Preliminary studies find that capsaicin, the substance that makes chili peppers hot, reduces hunger and burns body fat; take 6 to 10 g at each meal. Hoodia might be an effective diet supplement but research is limited and many supplements on the market contain little of the herb; wait until more research is done and trusted sources become available before using this herb.
Acupuncture and Acupressure
According to the University of Maryland Medical Centers, several studies have confirmed these techniques aid in weight loss but only slightly. They appear to boost serotonin levels, which naturally suppress the appetite.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
This form of psychotherapy helps you identify triggers for unhealthy behaviors, put new healthier behaviors into place and reduce stress. In regards to weight loss, you can work on things like setting weight loss and exercise goals and finding ways to reward yourself that do not involve food.
Studies examining hypnosis as a weight loss aid have been mixed. It is most successful when used along with behavioral therapy, diet and exercise. Hypnosis aims to change mental programming at a subconscious level to help implement new beliefs and behaviors.