Rectal Cleansing
Food for Cleansing
Besides drinking lots of water (the ideal is 8 glasses a day), pay attention to what you eat in order to maintain a clean rectum. Avoid oily and fatty foods. Also, fresh fruits and vegetables are great for your rectum since they contain minerals, and some have natural antioxidants that help rid the body of toxins and waste.
Some other herbs that you should take are flaxseed and ginger. Flaxseed helps your intestines move processed food a lot quicker and more smoothly, which aids in digestion and movement through your bowels. Ginger helps reduce bloating and inflammation in your rectum along with stimulating your rectum's processes. Aloe leaf, also great for rectal cleansing, can be used to detoxify your rectum, or used as a laxative--and there are no side effects.
Enemas and colonics are medical procedures that clean out your colon and rectum. No actual surgery is involved, but they are both typically done at a specialist's office and sometimes you are put asleep for the procedure since it can be uncomfortable. A small tube is inserted in the rectum, and water is pushed through your intestines to ultimately clean out your bowels. Colonics are usually more effective since they are a one-time procedure that pushes between 30 and 50 gallons of water through your digestive tract to clean it out. Once done, you do not have to return again for a year or more. Enemas use a lot less water, and usually need to be repeated 3 times or so in order to have the full cleansing completed.