Alternatives to Botox
It's our propensity for a quick fix that has led to the popularity of Botox. The problem is that the major alternative to the treatment is a long and diligent course of prevention. If we can prevent damage to the skin in the first place, we will probably end up with fewer wrinkles. Skin is easily damaged from the rays of the sun. It is said that young skin that has been sun damaged looks just like old skin that has naturally aged. It is for this reason that you should wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher, you should avoid the sun during its peak hours of 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and you should reapply after swimming or when near reflective surfaces like water, sand, and concrete. Drinking alcohol leads to facial swelling the morning after, which can lead to wrinkling. Drink in moderation or not at all to avoid early wrinkle formation. Smoking reduces the oxygen that can travel to the face, which will lead to enhanced skin damage. Lastly, make sure that you aren't scrunching up your face when you make facial expressions, as this can cause natural creases in your face.
Vitamins and Herbs
The life changes in Section 1 are greatly complemented by the vitamins and herbs in this section. Both can be used every day for the rest of your life in an attempt to keep your skin looking its age or younger. Essential fatty acids found in foods like sunflower oil and almonds can help keep skin healthy. Vitamin A and beta-carotene help to relieve dry skin and stop cell damage. Vitamin C repairs connective tissue while vitamin E can reduce scarring and improve dry skin. The B-complex vitamins may also prevent cracks and lines on the skin. Take these vitamins in a multivitamin or in the form of their various food sources. Use jojoba oil on your skin to help improve its quality and condition. Try the herbs marigold, lady's mantle, or witch hazel to tone and refresh the skin in a rinse or sprayed on with an atomizer. You can purchase these oils and herbs at a natural-foods store like Whole Foods.
Alternative Care
There are many other alternative health-care remedies that can help to alleviate or prevent wrinkles. Self-massage on your face can help to nourish and relax facial skin and tissue. You can try lightly patting your face for 15-to-20 seconds a day to accomplish this. Acupressure has been connected to the toning of facial muscles. You can see a specialist or use an acupressure diagram to show you the facial beauty points St 3 at the bottom of each cheekbone below the pupil. Press these three times a day for a minute each. Keep yourself at a proper weight through exercise to prevent sagging skin and to ensure that oxygen flows through your body better. This will also help in preventing stress, which may lead to ugly- looking furrows and ridges. These methods when all combined may keep your wrinkles at bay in a much healthier way than Botox.