Instructions for Angioprim
What It Is
Angioprim is considered a chelation therapy product. Chelation therapy is an alternative form of treatment that involves using certain substances to get rid of plaque in the arteries and improve blood flow. Oral chelation therapy involves the ingestion of combined substances to improve heart health.
Angioprim combines amino acids in order to provide the effects of chleation therapy to the patient. The main ingredients found in Angioprim include caysine, lysine and cystine.
Angioprim Primary Cleansing
The Angioprim Primary Cleansing line is recommended for individuals that have never used the product before. It is intended for use over an 18-24 day period. It is recommended for individuals with a family history of heart disease and with minor cholesterol and high blood pressure issues.
You must drink the Angioprim product since it only comes in a liquid form. Mix one teaspoon of Angioprim with two ounces of any type of liquid. You'll probably want a flavored drink like juice. Take the solution on an empty stomach and wait approximately 20 to 30 minutes before eating. Use Angioprim once a day and avoid dairy for 6 hours after taking your dose.
Angioprim Major and Ultimate Cleansing
Angioprim Major is recommended for individuals with more serious cardiovascular issues. Patients will have been diagnosed with 30-70% blockages and suffer from heart disease symptoms, such as shortness of breath, chest pain, numbness in extremities, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Users are told to take the Angioprim Major over a 24- 40 day period.
Angioprim Ultimate Cleansing is for individuals who plan to use the product for longer than a 40-day period. It is intended for patients with major cardiovascular blockages and very high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Take Angioprim the same way as instructed as part of the Primary Cleansing program.