The Benefits of a Calcium Supplement

Calcium supplements provide an array of health benefits when used appropriately and combined with a healthy diet. The number of calcium supplements on the shelves of health food and grocery stores is reflective of the tremendous popularity of the supplement. The benefits of calcium supplements range throughout the body but it is important for consumers to exercise caution and speak to a qualified practitioner before beginning a calcium supplementation regimen.
  1. The Facts

    • Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body and each person has between 1 and 3 lbs. of the material depending on the size of the person. The skeletal system is a repository for calcium as are many internal organs and cells. Less than 1 percent of the body's calcium is in the blood stream. Calcium is important for cardiovascular health, muscle contraction and is an essential component used in blood clotting. Each person needs to ingest 1000 to 1500 mg of calcium each day to maintain health. Many American diets are deficient in calcium so taking a supplement helps to provide the body with an important nutrient that it is often lacking.


    • Calcium is harvested from the skeletal system for use in physiological processes including maintaining proper heart rate and blood pressure. The body uses a process called remodeling to harvest calcium from the bones for physiological functions and restores it when intake amounts make that possible. When the body harvests more of the mineral than is being restored due to dietary deficiencies bones can become brittle. Taking a calcium supplement provides important materials to help prevent this scenario from taking place. Calcium is also a factor in cholesterol levels. The March 2007 issue of Nutraceutical's World published study results of calcium supplementation on cholesterol levels and identified "significantly greater decreases in total LDL" among study participants.


    • Calcium is marketed in many different forms but occurs most abundantly in food as calcium carbonate but that form can be difficult to break down. In order for some consumers to obtain the benefits from calcium supplements a different form of calcium is often needed. Calcium citrate is a form of calcium that has a smaller amount of elemental calcium per pill but has a weaker bond between the calcium and the organic material than calcium carbonate.


    • As the body ages, the likelihood of developing conditions that can be benefited from calcium supplements increase. Complementary supplements to calcium such as vitamin D can enhance the benefits achieved. The mineralization of bone with calcium is enhanced by ingesting vitamin D but this vitamin also appears to enhance the effects of calcium's role in heart health according to the Irish Medical Times published in 2008.


    • Women can lose significant amounts of bone density during menopause so a strategy to avoid this can include a calcium supplement but should take place under a doctor's care. Calcium and other supplements can potentially have an interaction with medications so anyone considering starting a calcium regimen should work closely with a doctor before beginning.

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