Home Remedies for PMS Cramps
Try walking. Exercise relieves muscle tension and elevates the mood. It also improves circulation in the pelvic organs and reduces cramps. Use a relaxed pose and swing your arms and hips. Don't worry if being on your cycle makes you tire more easily; just slow your pace. Yoga is also a good remedy. Do a routine that stretches and flexes the hips and other joints but doesn't compress or stretch the abdomen.
Stretch the muscles on both sides of your pelvis. These three muscles, the ilopoas, reach from the lower spine to the femur. Do a partial side lunge, spread your feet apart and turn your body over the trailing leg, bending a bit at the knees. Then lunge to the other side and repeat.
Make use of heat. Take a warm bath or use a heating pad for abdominal or lower back pain. You can make your own heating pad by filling a sock with flaxseeds or uncooked rice and putting in a microwave for a minute or two.
If you're exercising outdoors in cold weather, wear a coat that reaches below your hips to keep pelvic muscles warm.
Drink herbal tea. Ginger root tea helps with menstrual cramps. To make your own, slice a handful of ginger root and simmer it in water for 15 minutes. Another good remedy is chamomile tea. Start taking the chamomile two days before your period arrives and drink two cups during it.
Take calcium. This mineral helps keep muscle tone and prevents cramps and pain. Try for three cups of milk a day. Add more magnesium to your diet as well. The mineral helps with calcium absorption and decreases cramps. Eat beans, whole grains, tofu, salmon, shrimp, nuts and vegetables. Also try vitamin E, thiamin and omega-3 fatty acid supplements to reduce cramps.