Uses for Manuka Honey
Traditional treatments for arthritis consist of painkillers and steroids. However, research shows that manuka honey is a natural form of pain relief for muscle and joint stiffness. Manuka honey contains natural anti-inflammatory agents called glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate. Applying the honey directly to the skin will allow it to penetrate to the affected area.
Wound Treatment
Manuka honey contains a small amount of hydrogen peroxide, giving it antibacterial properties. This particular honey is also highly acidic, which aids in the prevention of bacterial growth. The combination of these factors makes manuka honey an effective treatment for superficial skin wounds. The antimicrobial and antibacterial properties help to prevent infection and promote healing when used topically to dress cuts and sores. Honey was widely used during the First World War as a wound treatment
Honey not only acts as a barrier to prevent infection it improves relief from the pain of burns. It will keep the burn moist, and contribute to quicker healing and reduced scarring. According to biochemist Peter Molan, of the University of Waikato, manuka honey contains much higher levels of antibacterial properties compared to other types of honey. After many clinical trials, Dr. Molan came to the conclusion that direct application of manuka honey heals burns and sores effectively. It is a natural antiseptic, protects burns from becoming infected and acts as a lubricant to prevent bandages from sticking.
Sore Throat
Honey has been used for centuries to soothe coughing and sore throats. The antiseptic and antibacterial properties of manuka honey are known to aid in healing laryngitis and sore throats. Manuka honey mixed with a few drops of lemon juice in a cup of warm tea will alleviate discomfort. Or simply swallow a spoonful of manuka honey to sooth a sore throat.
With regard to acne, manuka honey is an effective treatment. The honey helps to draw out impurities from acne pimples. Manuka honey destroys bacteria, and reduces inflammation caused by acne. It also has healing properties, which help to reduce scarring. Manuka honey can be used as a mask, applied directly to the acne. Leave the honey mask on the problem area for at least 15 minutes before rinsing.