Natural Remedy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is due to abnormal contractions in the intestine that cause pain, cramping, gas, sudden diarrhea and constipation. IBS comes in two forms: spastic colon IBS causes pain after eating, diarrhea and/or constipation, while painless IBS causes sudden bouts of diarrhea during or after meals or right when waking up. Stress is a major factor in this condition. A combination of natural strategies can help relieve symptoms and restore normalcy to the gastrointestinal tract. Using every supplement suggested is not necessary since many offer similar benefits. It might be a good idea to consult with a health care provider experienced in holistic medicine to help design a long-term treatment regimen incorporating various treatment options.
  1. Dietary Suggestions

    • Managing your diet is one of the most important natural methods to treat IBS. Consider getting tested for food allergies; the most common allergens include dairy, wheat, corn, peanuts, citrus, soy, eggs, fish and tomatoes. Stay away from refined foods like white bread and pasta, and sugar. Reduce or eliminate trans-fatty acids, which are found in commercially baked foods like cookies, cakes, french fries, onion rings and margarine. If gas is a problem, avoid beans, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, apple juice, grape juice, bananas, nuts and raisins. Avoid irritants such as coffee, tobacco and alcohol. Cook with healthy oils like vegetable and canola. Fiber supplements can reduce cramping, bloating and gas. Using digestive enzymes 20 minutes before eating can improve digestion and normalize bowel movements. Drink six to eight glasses of water daily.

    Nutritional Supplements

    • Omega-3 fatty acids fight inflammation; take one or two fish oil capsules or one tablespoon of fish oil daily. Coenzyme Q10 provides muscular support, including those in the intestinal walls; take 100 to 200 milligrams at bedtime. A probiotic supplement provides general gastrointestinal health; take as directed on the label. Grapefruit seed extract fights bacteria, which can trigger diarrhea. Take 100 milligrams or five to ten drops in a beverage three times a day. SAMe (S-adenosyl-L-methionine) taken before breakfast can enhance mood and relieve stress, a major trigger for IBS; use 100 to 200 milligrams daily. L-theanine treats stress and provides support for the nervous system; use 200 milligrams one to three times a day. Melatonin can treat symptoms of IBS; take two to five milligrams one hour before bed.

    Herbal Supplements

    • Cat's claw treats inflammation and fights bacteria; take 20 milligrams three times a day. Reishi mushroom also fights inflammation and strengthens immunity; take 150 to 300 milligrams three times a day. You can also use 30 to 60 drops of tincture twice a day. Olive leaf is a potent anti-bacterial herb; take 250 to 500 milligrams one to three times a day. Garlic fights bacteria and strengthen immunity; take 400 milligrams three times a day. Peppermint oil capsules stop spasms in the gastrointestinal tract; take one or two capsules after meals.

    Acupuncture and Chiropractic Care

    • According to a review of studies by the University of Maryland Medical Center, acupuncture can improve general well-being and reduce bloating. Chiropractic care has not been studied as a treatment for IBS but chiropractors claim spinal manipulation can improve symptoms by balancing the nerves that carry impulses to the intestinal tract.

    Other Suggestions

    • Stress is a major component of IBS; taking measures to reduce it are an important part of natural management. Regular exercise (which can also relieve constipation), abdominal breathing techniques, therapeutic massage, meditation and yoga (which can also relieve pain and other symptoms) are all effective methods when used regularly.

      Heat applications such as heating pads, water bottles and baths can alleviate spasms and cramping. Hypnotherapy can also reduce symptoms. Osteopathy, which involves manipulating certain parts of the body to relieve complaints, is showing promise as an alternative treatment for this condition.

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