Alternatives to Hydrochlorot
As both a diuretic and a hypertension treatment, hydrochlorot helps rid the body of excess fluid and salt through increased urine output. As a result, the drug both lessens edema (swelling) and helps lower blood pressure. If you attempt to achieve the same positive effects through other treatments, emphasize alternatives that flush your body of retained water and sodium.
Lower Your Salt Intake
One of the most effective ways to naturally lower your blood pressure is to lower your salt intake. According to the Mayo Clinic, 77 percent of the average U.S. citizen's diet comes from prepackaged foods, while only 11 percent comes from the addition of table salt. Read all labels of prepackaged and prepared foods carefully, noting their sodium content. When possible, cook meals from scratch---it's the best way to ascertain your exact salt intake. If you suffer from high blood pressure, a 2004 report by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies recommends an upper limit of no more than 2.3 grams of sodium a day, and it's preferable to keep your daily salt intake well below that.
Lose Weight
As we've all heard time and again, losing weight can positively affect your health in many ways. It can also potentially eradicate your need for hydrochlorot, as your blood pressure may lower itself naturally upon shedding pounds. One of the quickest and easiest ways to lose weight is through a walking program that gradually increases in intensity and the distance you walk. Consult your doctor before starting a new exercise regimen, particularly if you are obese.
Vitamins and Minerals
While a healthy, well-rounded diet is essential to maintain healthy body functions, there are a few vitamins and minerals that have been shown to help lower blood pressure and prevent fluid retention. According to the Honolulu Heart Program, as reported by the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition," magnesium has a profound effect on reducing hypertension and its associated risks. Vitamin C and calcium are also effective in promoting cardiovascular health and lowering blood pressure.
Other alternatives to hydrochlorot---in conjunction with a healthy diet, reduced sodium intake and weight loss---include supplements such as coenzyme Q10, garlic and omega-3 fatty acids.
A study in the August 1993 "Journal of Molecular Medicine" reported that the addition of coenzyme Q10 reduced the need for hospitalization in patients with congestive heart failure---of which hypertension is often a precursor. Talk with your health-care provider about supplementing your diet with CoQ10 and discuss optimal doses.
Garlic contains allicin, which may work as an effective antihypertensive. Garlic is effective when eaten both raw or cooked, or taken as a supplement in pill form.
Omega-3 fatty acids (found in many cold-water fish such as mackerel and salmon) and omega-6 fatty acids (found in flax seeds and their oil) have also been shown to help lower blood pressure. You can increase your consumption of fish with low mercury levels, take an omega-3 supplement, add ground flax to cereal or yogurt or find an all-inclusive supplement that contains both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
Alternative Medications
Before embarking on any alternative therapies to hydrochlorot, advise your doctor about any other health issues you are experiencing. In addition to these alternative means to reduce hypertension and fluid retention and their associated risks, there are also several medications that can be prescribed in conjunction with hydrochlorot or alone, such as lisinopril (Prinivil), Diovan or Lopressor. The risks of these medications also come with associated side effects, so discuss your options thoroughly with your physician.