Steam Room Information
Steam rooms oftentimes are confused with saunas, but they are quite different. They give off a moist heat while saunas give off a dry heat. Because of this, steam rooms become an easy place for bacteria to flourish. This means that bacterial infections are always a risk when entering. Employees at gyms and spas are responsible for cleaning them, but for further protection, always wear shoes and sit on a clean towel.
Steam rooms have a cleansing effect on the body because they encourage the system to sweat out toxins. Because of the extreme heat, dehydration is a valid concern. A way to prevent dehydration is to drink a glass of cool water before stepping in. Another tip to prevent dehydration is to never exceed the recommended time of 15 to 20 minutes per steam-room visit.
Health Concerns
Entering a steam room can be a risk for those who suffer from respiratory or cardiac conditions, and heart attack or fainting is possible for those who have extremely high or extremely low blood pressure. People who have a history of or those who are healing from pneumonia should avoid steam rooms because the moist air could cause further problems. For those who have a healthy respiratory system, steam rooms can be very beneficial for the lungs and for breathing.
Because steam rooms are kept at such high temperatures, the body must readjust quickly upon exiting. Do not expose the body to extremely cold temperatures, such as swimming pools or showers or walking outside into cold weather, right away. Doing this could cause dizziness and possibly fainting. However, you should not have any problems if you allow yourself to adjust to normal temperatures gradually.
Those who are pregnant should avoid steam rooms entirely. A pregnant body should not allow itself to reach above 102 degrees; overexposure to steam rooms and heat can actually lead to birth defects. And because steam rooms can have a negative affect on a pregnant woman's blood pressure, there is a risk of restricting oxygen flow to the fetus.