Kidney Cleansing Teas
According to the Mayo Clinic, one way to pass a kidney stone through your urinary tract system is by drinking two to three quarts of water daily and staying physically active. According to a study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, drinking tea provides the same fluid-replacing and flushing benefits as drinking water. Since tea has the same benefits as water, drinking tea can also help flush kidney stones from the body.
Watermelon Seeds
Watermelon seeds have a diuretic effect on the kidneys when taken as part of a tea. This means that excess water in the body is released in the form of urine when watermelon seed tea is drunk, effectively flushing the kidneys. To prepare this tea, pour a pint of boiling water over ground watermelon seed. Allow the tea to steep as it cools and then strain before drinking. This drink should be prepared and used once a day, three days a week. Whenever possible, the tea should be made fresh for each use. Since the tea is diuretic, extra water should be consumed to replace the water that is flushed with the diuretic.
Celery Seed
Celery seeds aren't actually seeds, but very small fruit. They contain an organic compound called apiol which is released into tea when the seeds are steeped in hot water. Apiol is known to have antiseptic properties in the urinary tract, and has been isolated and used in medications for treating kidney stones. Like tea made from watermelon seeds, a tea made of celery seeds has diuretic qualities. Additionally, tea made of celery seeds is filled with potassium, which helps the body to dissolve crystals that cause kidney stones and remove these toxins from the kidneys.
Parsley has been used in stem, leaf and seed form to treat kidney stones. Like celery seed, parsley contains apiol for treating kidney stones. A parsley tea is also effective for flushing toxins from the kidneys. To make parsley tea, combine two cups of water and two tablespoonfuls of chopped parsley in a teapot. Let the water come almost to a boil, and then cool for 15 minutes. Strain out the parsley before drinking.
Corn Silk
Like celery seeds, corn silk contains potassium and has diuretic properties. Corn silk also contains vitamin K, which can prevent the formation of calcium oxalate crystals into kidney stones. Corn silk also has antiseptic properties and can be used to treat edema.