Home Remedies for a Resistant Yeast Infection
Herbal tea
A good herbal home remedy to treat resistant yeast infections is to make a tea from the dried root of barberry or goldenseal. Steep 1 to 2 tbsp. of either dried herb in one cup of boiling water for 10 minutes. Strain and drink three times a day.
Echinacea is commonly used to treat infection and prevent colds. It is also useful in treating chronic or resistant yeast infections due to its ability to improve the level of white blood cells, which help fight infection. Try taking echinacea tincture using one dropper in one half cup of water. Take no more than four times a day for two weeks. If symptoms persist, see your physician.
Make a douche containing white-grape vinegar. Put 2 tbsp. of white-grape vinegar into one quart of warm water. Douche twice a day for one week. Your yeast infection symptoms should subside in one week. If symptoms persist, see your physician.
An alternative douching method for resistant yeast infections is to use the "sucking air" method. In this method, you can insert your choice of vinegar douche that you have mixed or 1 tbsp. of yogurt. Yogurt may be inserted using a small spoon or small spatula. Lay on your back in the bathtub, insert vinegar or yogurt, lift your legs in the air up over your head. This causes the vagina to open up and balloon, allowing more of the yogurt or douche to coat the vagina. Remain in this position for at least five minutes to allow the douche or yogurt to work.
Food and Lifestyle
Eliminate high-sugar foods from your diet. Reduce the number of foods you eat that contain high levels of yeast or carbohydrate because both of these can raise yeast levels in the body. Diabetics in particular must use caution when consuming high-sugar foods because blood-sugar levels are already elevated.
Beneficial bacteria like bifidus regularis and acidophilus can be taken in capsule form to increase levels of good bacteria in the body and help prevent an excess of yeast formation.
Avoid wearing tight, constrictive undergarments and choose cotton underwear over nylon or synthetics. Cotton fabric allows more air to circulate, helping keep the area dry.
If you are still plagued with resistant yeast infections, contact your physician for a more conventional treatment plan.