Home Remedies to Help Treat Thrush
Eating a single clove of garlic every day can help with thrush because garlic has allicin as an ingredient. Allicin offers antifungal properties, antibacterial properties and antiviral agents. Instead of eating a clove, you can take a supplement at a dosage of one 4,000 to 5,000 microgram capsule a day.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil has potent antifungal properties and can be used as a mouthwash to treat oral thrush. Mix 10 drops of tea tree oil in a cup of warm water and rinse out the mouth area; gargling is not recommended. Tea tree oil is toxic if ingested and should not be swallowed. Before using this remedy, you may choose to discuss your options with a doctor first.
Pau d'arco Bark
Pau d'arco bark tea can also be used as an oral rinse for thrush. To make the tea, brew 2 tablespoons of pau d'arco bark in a quart of water. Rinse your mouth three to six times a day with the mixture to gain some of the antifungal benefits.
Getting Probiotics
Consuming probiotics each day helps restore the balance of microflora in your body to increase the level of good bacteria in your system. You need the good bacteria to fend off candida bacteria. Infants and newborns can be treated with probiotics: 1/4 teaspoon probiotic supplement or a 1/4 capsule can be added to water. Older children and adults can also derive probiotics from food sources like milk, yogurt, onions, bananas, honey, tomatoes, garlic and wheat.
Vitamin C
Adults who consume 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C each day can boost their immune system and help fight against Candida overgrowth. Take a daily supplement, or obtain vitamin C from select foods. Those high in vitamin C include blueberries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cantaloupe, cauliflower, citrus juices, cranberries, green peppers, green peppers, kiwi, mango, oranges, papaya, grapefruit, pineapple, potatoes, raspberries, red peppers, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes, tomatoes, turnip greens, watermelon and winter squash.