Colostrum Cure for Cancer
Colostrum Fights Cancer
Cancer cells randomly exist even within normal healthy people. The difference is that their immunity works well to kill off the cancer cells long before they grow and spread throughout the body.
Colostrum has several potentially beneficial components that specifically combat cancer cells. It has transforming growth factor (TGF) polypeptides. These polypeptides may effectively fight cancer cells due to their restoration and healing properties. Colostrum also contains Lactoferrin, which helps regulate iron metabolism and stop oxidation. Lactoferrin is a milk protein that binds and transports iron throughout the body. It also supports the body's immunity through its inhibition of pathogens and its antiviral and antibacterial characteristics. It stops or kills pathogens by blocking their iron absorption. Its iron-inhibiting activities and its attack on free radicals also prevent the growth or lessen the risk of tumors and cancer.
Colostrum also contains phytic acid and Alpha Lactalbumin. Phytic acid is an antioxidant that also blocks iron from the cancer cells similar to Lactoferrin activities. Alpha Lactalbumin stops cancer cells from growing and it causes them to self-destruct or commit apoptosis.
It is said that those who develop cancer may actually have a compromised immune system that is not able to perform the natural process of killing these harmful cells. The colostrum cure holds promise in helping to restore the immune response against the growth of harmful, cancerous cells so that the body is able to cure itself of its cancer. Cancer is stated to spread in a weak body whose normal defenses are compromised. Colostrum is the first natural milk that a mother produces for her newborn, and cow colostrum is sold commercially in supplement form.
Colostrum as a treatment was first discovered and tested by Herb Saunders, a farmer who conducted an experiment with Lyme disease and the colostrum in a pregnant cow's udder. The colostrum responded to the dead Lyme spirochete by developing antibodies to the foreign microorganism. Hence, it is said that it became a medium that produced a Lyme disease antibiotic.
The findings of Herb Saunders--who was later cited for not having a license to practice medicine by both the NIH and the NCI--prompted independent research into was it known as the targeted colostrum method of combating disease. This research has included cancer, arthritis, multiple sclerosis and several microorganisms including the salmonella and pseudomonas strains.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved colostrum treatments for cancer or any other disease. Its effectiveness as a treatment has not been researched and studied by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), nor the National Institutes of Health (NIH).