Natural Treatment for Boils
Benefits of Natural Treatment
Conventional medical treatment for boils is often a round of antibiotics. There are now strains of bacteria in boils that are resistant to antibiotics, so antibiotic treatment does not always cure boils. Antibiotics can also cause other health problems, including yeast infections and digestive problems. Although some boils may require antibiotic or surgical treatment, many can be cured with natural treatments that have fewer side effects.
Natural Treatments
One of the most commonly recommended natural treatments for boils is to apply a warm compress, such as a heated washcloth, to the boil. Apply the compress several times per day to help the boil come to a head. Once the boil has burst, continue applying a heated compress for several days, until the boil is completely drained.
Tea-tree oil, which has natural antibacterial properties, has been shown to be an effective natural treatment for boils. A study published in the Journal of Hospital Infection tested the effectiveness of tea-tree oil creams and nasal sprays on eliminating staphylococcus bacteria and found that tea-tree oil was at least as effective as conventional treatments. Tea-tree oil is also effective at killing staphylococcus bacteria that may be resistant to oral antibiotics.
Homeopathic remedies may also be used as a natural boil cure. Homeopathic extracts such as Anthracinum and Echinacea Angustifolia are said to be natural treatments for boils; an oral spray called BoilX contains seven homeopathic ingredients that treat boils. Aromatherapist and cosmetician Juta Stepanovs recommends a number of natural boil cures in her book, "Skin Saver Remedies." Some of these natural treatments for boils include lemon oil, aloe vera, guava lotion and papaya ointment, as well as compresses made from fig leaves, comfrey leaves, beetroot skin or banana skins.
Never squeeze or try to pop a boil. This can worsen the infection and may cause the bacteria to spread into the bloodstream, causing blood poisoning. Seek medical treatment if natural treatment for boils is ineffective, if you have recurrent boils or if your boil does not drain within a week.