How to Treat Spider Veins with Alternative Medicine
One of the most effective home remedies for spider veins is horse chestnut seed. This herb may provide relief from the swelling, pain and fatigue that tends to go along with spider veins. Horse chestnut has the ability to improve blood circulation in the legs while minimizing inflammation. It also helps to make veins stronger. To use horse chestnut, combine 10 parts of distilled witch hazel with one part of horse chestnut tincture, and apply daily to the affected spider vein area on the body. Repeat daily until you feel relief. In addition, you may also take 500 mg of horse chestnut tincture three times a day for three months. Mix into 8 oz. of water or tea to make it more palatable.
Horse chestnut contains a component called aescin, which helps to strengthen capillaries. You will want to use horse chestnut extract that contains at least 50 mg of aescin for it to be effective.
Bilberry extract helps with strengthening capillaries and promotes the effects of vitamin C in its ability to lessen blood vessel frailty. An optimal dose of bilberry is 20 to 40 mg three times per day.
Butcher's broom also helps to strengthen veins. Use 300 mg three times a day for results.
Hawthorn extract is useful in treating spider veins because it contains vitamin C, zinc and sulfur along with biovflavonoids, all of these being helpful in treating problem veins. A recommended dosage is 200 mg three times a day.
Distilled witch hazel is a soothing remedy that can easily be done at home. Saturate a cotton ball with witch hazel and apply to areas affected by spider veins. Along with relieving pain, witch hazel may help to strengthen blood vessels.
It is important to consider the use of vitamins when treating spider veins with home remedies. Make sure to include vitamin C and vitamin E to improve circulation and reduce pain levels. Vitamin E may also have the ability to act as a blood thinner, which will then help circulation. A recommended dose of vitamin C is 1,000 mg a day, and 200 i.u. of vitamin E a day.
Vitamin B also plays a role in providing a feeling of well being and health, which will benefit anyone affected by spider veins. Take a vitamin B complex supplement for optimal results.