Natural Remedies for Mold & Mildew Allergies

Mold and mildew can cause all kinds of allergic reactions, such as hives, rashes, sneezing and watery, itchy eyes. Fortunately, there are many natural remedies to help alleviate these symptoms. Sometimes, the best strategy is to avoid the things that allow mold and mildew to get into your home or near you. Other times, it's taking preventive steps or treating existing symptoms.
  1. Keep Your Home Clean and Dry

    • One of the simplest and easiest natural methods of dealing with mold and mildew is to prevent their growth. Both thrive in warm, wet places where stagnant water collects. Keep your home dry with an air conditioner, fans or a dehumidifier. If you find mold and mildew in your home, wash the areas with a solution of a few drops of bleach in a bucket of water. Wear a mask while you clean. If you don't want to use bleach in your home, some natural products like white vinegar and tea tree oil have similar antiseptic properties.

      Change your bedding and towels often. If you have lots of area rugs, drapes and curtains, wash them regularly. Use hot water and/or bleach when possible during wash cycles. Dry clothes at a higher temperature.

    Change Your Diet

    • Dietary changes sometimes alleviate mold allergies. Eat fewer pastries, breads, mushrooms, cheeses and pickles. Eat more vegetables and cut back on fruits and fruit juice (unless you make it with fresh fruit); consume fruit juice quickly after making it to ensure that it doesn't attract, and start growing, mold. According to a study by Cornell University, "Moldy Foods: When to Use, When to Discard," a good way to reduce mold allergy symptoms is to discard any foods that become moldy. The only exceptions are some fibrous fruits and hard cheeses; just snip off and trash the moldy parts.

    Treat Your Symptoms

    • There are several natural remedies for mold and mildew allergies. Yoga, massage, acupuncture and simply learning to relax can help, as all of these strengthen overall health and immune response.

      According to researchers at Arizona State University, taking 2,000 mg of vitamin C each day can work as a natural antihistamine. Research also shows that quercetin and bromelain can do the same, especially in conjunction with vitamin C. How much you should take of any of these natural remedies for mold and mildew allergies depends on a number of factors: the degree to which you suffer and how long the allergy season lasts in your area, plus any other allergies or sensitivities you may have.

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