At Home Candida Cleanse
Consuming a diet high in processed foods, which often include excessive amounts of sugars and fats, provides a welcoming environment for Candida to grow. This is because yeast naturally feeds off of sugar in order to grow. If you want to perform a Candida cleanse, cut all processed foods from your diet and replace them with fresh fruits, vegetables and protein sources such as meats without preservatives, eggs and nuts. All dairy products, items with added sugar and beverages other than water or natural fruit juices should be avoided entirely.
Bowel Cleanse
To prepare the body for the process and to remove existing toxins in the intestines, do a colonic irrigation at the start of a Candida cleanse. A colonic irrigation will flush out the Candida bacteria from the system and allow you to start with a clean slate. A colonic irrigation must be performed by a professional, but if you are not comfortable with that process, an enema may be done in the privacy of your home, although the results will not be as thorough as with a colonic irrigation.
Resist Antibiotics
One of the most crucial parts of a Candida cleanse is to stop taking any antibiotics. Antibiotics encourage candida in the body to proliferate at much higher than normal rates. Individuals who take antibiotics on a regular basis are optimal candidates for a Candida cleanse, as it is almost certain that their bodies have an excess amount of the bacteria.
Introduce Good Bacteria
While a major part of a Candida cleanse is to remove the excessive amounts of Candida from the body, it is important to introduce "good" bacteria in its place, as many of the body's systems rely on the presence of bacteria to function properly. This is especially true in the case of the intestinal tract. Fortunately, introducing good bacteria into the body is simple. Taking an acidophilus supplement each day during a Candida cleanse will allow the healthy type of bacteria into your body. This "good" bacteria, when taken regularly, will help your body resist the proliferation of yeast.
Although changing your diet, performing bowel cleanses and introducing good bacteria into your body with supplements may be enough to combat Candida proliferation at home, there are products on the market--such as Syntol and Rainbow Light Candida Cleanse--made to assist in the process. Usually in capsule form, these tablets introduce enzymes into the body that help combat yeast overgrowth and normalize bacteria levels. Treatments generally last 14 days.