Milk Thistle for Blood Cleansing
What It's Good For
Milk thistle is most commonly used to treat various liver diseases. Not only can it treat chronic liver diseases, it also works as an excellent cleanser for the liver by flushing out toxins and maintaining proper functioning. Ultimately it is the liver's job to cleanse the blood in the body. If the liver is not functioning at full capacity, blood may become contaminated with toxins that are not completely removed by the liver. Keeping the liver healthy allows it to fully cleanse the blood and is important in maintaining health and vitality.
How to Take
When using milk thistle to cleanse the blood, there are a couple of options. Milk thistle is available in either pill form or liquid form. Both work equally well in cleansing the blood. Keep in mind that the liquid extract of milk thistle is not very tasty, so you may opt for the pill form. The standard dose of milk thistle is based on the amount of silymarin content. Standardized extracts are preferred, look for between 70-210 mg, and take three times a day for good results. Best results are achieved in the higher dose ranges of about 140 mg, three times a day.
Side Effects
Milk thistle has been shown to have few side effects. Widely used in Europe, silymarin preparations have low evidence of toxicity. Because silymarin enables cholerectic activity, it may lead to a looser stool because of increased bile flow in the liver and secretion. While using higher doses it may be appropriate to incorporate some bile sequestering fiber such as psyllium and oat bran into the diet. This will prevent mucosal irritation and loose bowel movements. However, because of the overall lack of toxicity associated with milk thistle, it is feasible to use on a long term basis to cleanse the blood and maintain a healthy liver.