Health Remedies Using Apple Cider Vinegar
External Use
Inflamed and itchy skin caused by eczema, psoriasis, acne or insect bites can be soothed by pouring five cups of apple cider vinegar into a warm bath and soaking for 15 to 20 minutes.
For a flaky scalp, dilute a cup of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water and pour over the head before shampooing in the shower. Massage with the fingertips into the scalp for five minutes and wash hair as usual. Apple cider vinegar will clear the scalp and remove dead skin that is clogging hair follicles and preventing growth. This is also an excellent treatment for dandruff. Use this twice a week to maintain a healthy scalp and restore a healthy pH balance.
Internal Use
Ingesting apple cider vinegar has been reported to help relieve problems such as allergies, acid reflux, arthritis, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Apple cider vinegar also breaks up fat and is commonly used as a weight loss method.
Apple cider vinegar benefits acne prone skin and sudden breakouts when ingested because it boosts liver function and filters toxins out of the body at a faster rate, healing blemishes fast.It can be difficult to drink apple cider vinegar because of the sour taste. Some people like to mix one part apple cider vinegar in eight parts water with a tablespoon of honey. It can also be drizzled over a salad or taken as a supplement. Apple cider vinegar supplements can be purchased in the vitamin aisle of any grocery or drug store.
For weight loss, the best time to drink or take an apple cider vinegar supplement is 30 minutes before a meal. Apple cider vinegar aids in digestion and cleanses the blood.