Old Home Remedies for Kidney Infections
When you have a kidney, bladder or urinary tract infection, you need additional fluids in your diet. More liquids will cause more urination, which will flush away the bacteria that is causing the infection. Cranberry juice can be used to treat a kidney infection at home, but make sure the it's pure juice and not cranberry juice cocktail, which is loaded with sugar.
Avoid caffeine, alcohol and citrus juice when you have a kidney infection, because these beverages will aggravate the feeling that you must urinate, without producing the urine.
The kidneys also regulate the amount of phosphorous in the blood, so when your kidneys are not functioning at the optimum level, avoiding foods that are rich in phosphorous will help you avoid dangerously high levels in the blood. Almost every food has some phosphorous in it, which makes it impossible to completely eliminate it from your diet. But some foods have higher levels and as such should be avoided while the kidneys are impaired. These include milk, dried peas, beans and lentils, whole grains, organ meat, chocolate and nuts.
Herbal Remedies
Herbal remedies can be very effective while you are being treated for a kidney infection. Remember that a kidney infection can become very serious, very quickly, so always consult with your doctor before beginning any herbal treatment.
Corn silk has a diuretic effect that has been used since the 18th century to treat kidney, urinary tract and bladder infections and gall bladder problems. Corn silk is brewed in a tea or taken as a tablet.
Parsley is also a diuretic and is used in foods or teas to flush out the kidneys by stimulating frequent urination.
Cleavers herb has a wonderful array of health benefits that include diuretic, anti-inflammatory and astringent capabilities. Add 3 tablespoons of dried or fresh cleavers to a pint of boiling water and steep for 10 minutes. Drink throughout the day.
Vitamins and Minerals
Taking B vitamins, vitamin E and vitamin C can help with the treatment of kidney infection. Also make sure you are getting plenty of copper, magnesium and potassium while you are treating a kidney infection.
Remember that a kidney infection can quickly become very serious. Visit your doctor if you are experiencing fever, intense back pain and chills.