Drug Detox at Home
Eat Less
You should avoid anything that contains sugar if you are on a drug detox, and that includes artificial sweeteners. Avoid dairy products as a rule, including milk, cream cheese, sour cream, butter and yogurt. Also, avoid grains that contain gluten, including wheat, barley and rye.
Fatty foods, too, are out when it comes to a detox. So is junk food. Also avoid coffee, other caffeinated drinks and especially alcohol.
Eat More
Consumption of fruits and vegetables, whether frozen or fresh, is recommended for those on drug detox.
However, some vegetables are considered slightly more effective in moving the detoxification effort along. These include broccoli and broccoli sprouts, beets, red- and green-colored veggies, artichokes, cauliflower and especially garlic.
Rice is a highly recommended grain, particularly brown rice. You can improve a natural body-cleansing diet by including other grains as well, such as millet, buckwheat and amaranth. Kidney beans and pinto beans are great for such a diet, as are lentils, garbanzo beans and mung beans. Raw nuts and seeds are also recommended, except for peanuts and peanut butter.
Herbal Supplements
Ginger comes in many forms, including a root, powder, tablet, capsule and tincture. The herb is well-known for its powerful circulation-stimulating properties. Two capsules should be taken three times a day. One teaspoon of the powder might alternately be taken mixed with a cup of water, twice daily. A teaspoon of the tincture might be taken instead, two to three times a day. If you are pregnant, avoid large doses of ginger. Avoid the herb if you have gallstones.
The bark of the prickly ash, or Zanthoxylum americanum, should be taken after being converted into a tincture or a powder. The former should be taken two to three times daily, in doses of 1 tsp. The recommended dosage for the latter is also 1 tsp., added to 1 cup of water and ingested two to three times a day. This herb helps cleanse the arteries, in particular. Prickly ash is not recommended during pregnancy.
Consider taking coptis. Coptis is an herb with known liver-cleansing properties, and it is available from any herbal store. It is typically taken either as a tincture or in pill form.
Cayenne, or Capsicum minimum, also known as African bird pepper, typically comes in ointment, capsule, powder and tincture form. It is known primarily for its blood-movement stimulation properties and also for removing toxins in the blood. For detox purposes, take between one and four capsules twice daily, or massage the ointment into the skin once per day. Side effects might include some gastrointestinal irritation, though this is not common.
Milk thistle has long been considered an effective liver tonic--exactly what you need if you are attempting a drug detox. The silymarin in milk thistle works to bind the membranes of the cells in the liver, shielding the organ and its cells from toxin attack. Additionally, the milk thistle's silymarin stimulates the liver to produce proteins and enzymes faster, thus enabling it to battle the toxins in your body at a faster rate. Milk thistle, available at any natural medicine store, is best taken in combination with food.