Indian Home Remedies for Hair Loss
Eggs and Castor Oil
India has produced some very interesting hair loss remedies, many of which involve nuts, berries, leaves and eggs. For instance, taking the uncooked yolk of one egg and massaging it into your scalp is known to help hair loss. Keep the yolk on your scalp for about an hour before you wash it off. The healing qualities found in the egg are said to stimulate the hair follicles and recharge hair growth. Another treatment involves applying castor oil to the scalp and roots of the remaining hair. Do not put the castor oil on the hair itself, just the root and the scalp. Wrap a cloth or newspaper around your head and leave it on throughout the night. Wash it off when you wake up in the morning.
Olive Oil and Coriander
Olive oil and coriander leaves are also known to be hair-loss remedies. The stimulating enzymes found in each are said to recharge the hair follicles' growth. The olive oil remedy is prepared by combining two tablespoons of olive oil with rosemary, the juice of one lemon and the yolk of one egg. Massage the mixture into the hair, root and scalp and after one hour wash it out. You can also mix one half cup of olive oil with a tablespoon of cumin powder and rub this mixture into your scalp, leaving it on for 1/2 hour before you wash it off. If you plan on using coriander, extract the juice from two cups of coriander leaves and apply it to the entire head. You can also steep the coriander leaves in hot water, apply the mixture to your head and wrap a towel around your head to trap the healing qualities of the coriander.