How to Use Vinegar to Detoxify the Liver

Adding vinegar to your diet is an excellent way to detoxify your liver and cleanse your body of harmful toxins. There are many sources of quality vinegar that fit any budget, and drinking just one serving a day won't only cleanse your liver and kidneys, but also will provide your body with a number of necessary nutrients.

Things You'll Need

  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Organic honey
  • Warm water
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  1. How to Use Vinegar to Detoxify the Liver

    • 1

      Purchase a high-quality, raw apple cider vinegar. Raw apple cider vinegar contains the highest level of vitamins, minerals and amino acids to help cleanse your body and provide beneficial nutrients. It can usually be found at any health food store that sells pure, natural and organic products.

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      Purchase a high-quality, organic honey to mix with your apple cider vinegar. Organic honey also has its own healing properties, and mixing it with your vinegar will help make the vinegar more palatable.

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      Mix two to three tbsp. of vinegar with one to two tbsp. of honey and one cup of warm water. Stir well.

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      Drink the mixture upon waking. For additional detoxification, you can drink another glass before bed.

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