How To Reduce Arteriosclerosis
Reduce your cholesterol level if it is elevated. Consume a reduced-fat, reduced-cholesterol and high-fiber diet. Foods that can help you reduce cholesterol include walnuts, oat bran, apples and kidney beans.
Do therapeutic yoga. Yoga exercises strengthen your heart, enhance blood circulation and improve your capacity to do other exercises. Consult a yoga instructor to learn about exercises specific to preventing heart disease, particularly arteriosclerosis.
Quit smoking and avoid second-hand smoke. Tobacco products constrict arteries, reduce your blood's capability to hold oxygen, and intensify the possibility of forming blood clots like emboli and thrombi.
Eat raw garlic. This herb is one of the top natural herbs for the treatment and prevention of arteriosclerosis. It contains the potent compound allicin, which prevents plaque from accumulating in your arteries. It also purifies your blood and enhances vascular supply and circulation.
Exercise every day. Exercise prevents arteriosclerosis by speeding up your blood circulation, which inhibits plaque from accumulating in your arteries. Exercise at least 30 minutes every day.