Natural Health Cures for Diabetes
Note that diabetes is a serious condition. It is best to consult with a healthcare provider to determine a safe and effective treatment plan.
Herbal Treatments
Salacia oblonga has a long history of use in Indian medicine to regulate the increase of blood sugar after a meal. According to Dr. Andrew Weil, a study published in a 2005 issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that the substance controlled the levels of blood sugar after eating and lowered insulin levels. It is important to note that the study was not specifically related to diabetes and none of the participants had the condition. It is best to discuss this treatment with a doctor.
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, the following herbs have demonstrated ability to manage diabetes. Consult with a physician to determine appropriate dosages.
Bitter melon has a long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It lowers levels of glucose serum. Fenugreek seeds regulate glucose levels. Gymnema was studied as a complement to traditional diabetes medications and it appears to increase their effectiveness. This herb can affect the ability to taste sweet foods. Cinnamon reduces the level of glucose, blood sugar, and the amount of fat and cholesterol in the blood. American ginseng reduces blood sugar levels. In particular, it can lower the typical spike in blood sugar after consuming a meal, if it is taken before or during the meal.
Chromium helps the body utilize insulin more efficiently by transferring it from the bloodstream into the cells for energy production. It also reduces the level of blood glucose. Do not exceed 200 micrograms daily. Chromium is found naturally in brewer's yeast, cheese, meat, fish, fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
Research indicates a strong link between low magnesium levels and type 2 diabetes. Taking magnesium supplements or eating foods rich in this mineral such as whole grains, leafy greens, bananas, legumes, nuts, and seeds, can promote healthy blood glucose levels. Discuss magnesium supplementation with your doctor to determine dosage.
Vanadium, a trace mineral, acts in a similar fashion as insulin. It increases insulin sensitivity, restores blood glucose to normal levels, and can reduce insulin doses. Talk to a healthcare provider to determine an appropriate dosage.
Antioxidants protect the body from free radicals, which are damaging molecules that can cause a host of problems in the body. People with diabetes tend to have high levels of free radicals and low levels of antioxidants. Supplementing with these beneficial substances can reduce symptoms of diabetes. Discuss appropriate dosages with your doctor. Beneficial antioxidants include selenium, zinc, vitamin C, beta-carotenes, and coenzyme Q10. Conenzyme Q10 also protects the heart; people with diabetes are at increased risk for heart conditions.
Neuropathy Treatments
Many people with diabetes suffer from neuropathy, a painful condition that causes nerve damage. Free radicals, which are present in higher amounts in people with diabetes, negatively impact the nerves and blood vessels. Alpha-lipoic acid and gamma-linolenic acid (most abundant in evening primrose oil) can address this condition. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, several studies indicate acupuncture can offer relief from this painful condition.
Mind/Body Medicine
Stress can negatively impact people with diabetes. Designing a plan to manage stress is strongly advised. Natural methods like tai chi, yoga, meditation, and positive visualization can help. Biofeedback, which involves training yourself to become more aware of and control your body's response to stress, can positively influence blood sugar levels. Not only can these things serve as tools to manage stress, they can provide motivation to make better choices to help control the condition.