Alternative MS Treatment
Herbal Treatments
A study led by S.K. Johnson published in a 2006 edition of Explore observed beneficial effects of gingko on MS symptoms. It also improves blood flow to the brain. Take 40 to 80 milligrams three times daily. Do not use if you are taking blood thinning medications.
Green tea is beneficial for general antioxidant and immune support. Take 250 to 500 milligrams three times a day.
Rhodiola also provides immune and antioxidant support; it is also a good antistress herb. Take up to 600 milligrams daily.
Bromelain is well known for its ability to reduce pain and inflammation. Take 40 milligrams three times a day.
Soy lechitin reduces TNF production. TNF is a substance in the body that attacks tumor cells, but in MS patients, they mistakenly attack nerve cells. Take 300 milligrams daily.
If you are suffering constipation, a common occurrence with MS, natural health expert Dr. Andrew Weil suggests the following: psyllium husks or the traditional Indian formula Triphala. Take as directed on the label.
Scientific studies regarding the use of homeopathy for multiple sclerosis are lacking. An article published in a 2003 edition of Complementary Therapy of Nursing and Midwifery lists a number of homeopathic remedies that can alleviate the gastric problems that often accompany MS. Take the following treatments as directed on the product label: carboneum sulphuratum, causticum, lathyrus sativus and phosphorus.
Use omega-3 fatty acids to fight inflammation and improve overall immunity. Take one or two capsules of fish oil or one tablespoon of oil twice a day. Do not use if you are taking any blood-thinning treatments, including aspirin. Evening primrose oil also contains beneficial fatty substances that address symptoms. Talk to a doctor about an appropriate dosage. Using a multivitamin ensures adequate amounts of all the important vitamins and minerals. Use as directed. Take one or two capsules daily of a combination calcium and vitamin D supplement to treat muscle and skeletal weakness. Coenzyme Q10 supports the muscles and immune system; take 100 to 200 milligrams before going to sleep. L-carnitine protects the muscles; take 500 milligrams daily. Take 200 milligrams once to three times a day to support the nervous system. Melatonin helps you sleep and boosts immunity; take two to five milligrams one hour before bed.