The Best Home Cures for Acid Reflux
Pineapple, a fruit commonly found in fruit salads, is very beneficial for acid reflux. It is filled with bromelain, which is a proteolytic enzyme found naturally in the digestive tract. Not only does this enzyme help to digest the foods you eat, but it also decreases the swelling in the esophagus. This can help heal your body from the acids that have been eating away at it.
Additional fruits that can assist you are papaya and apples. Indulging in a small amount of either for a dessert after every meal can keep acid reflux symptoms at bay. The natural fibers and sugars help to settle your stomach.
Cinnamon is a wonderful antiseptic. It has also been found to neutralize acids in the stomach. For quicker relief, try it on a cracker or bread, something that will absorb some of the acid on contact. If your acid reflux has been particularly bad, the antiseptic properties may help keep you from having further issues.
Good greens also help; so eat Romaine lettuce instead of iceberg. Romaine lettuce is high in alkali, which has been proven multiple times to neutralize the body's acids.
Water and Milk
Also, plain water and/or milk help. With the water, make sure that it's not too heavy in chemicals; ideally, drink bottled water or water that's been filtered. It will dilute your stomach acids and help to flush the food out of your stomach. With milk, feel free to drink skim, low-fat or regular, whichever you like best.
Fennel or Chamomile Tea
Two other good drinks are fennel or chamomile tea. Both are very soothing on the stomach. Make sure the tea is not too hot, and don't gulp it down -- just sip it. Also, go easy on the sugar; too much can irritate your stomach.
Choosing the Right Home Cure for You
Find the one home cure to try that you feel you will be able to stick with that doesn't interfere with any current medications and that is easily available for purchase. Make sure that you match the symptoms to the cure. If you need one that heals, look to pineapple. If you are worried about neutralizing acids only, maybe a nice Romaine salad is better for you.