Bach Walnut Flower Remedies
Dr. Bach
Believing that a negative state of mind is the underlying cause of illness, Bach set out to find a way to heal the emotions through natural means. The 38 essences that he developed are said to "cover all aspects of human nature" and the rainbow of human emotions. "Health depends on being in harmony with our souls," he said.
Flower Remedies
Bach flower remedies are steam-distilled plant extracts sold in small glass bottles that include a medicine dropper. Instructions call for the user to hold a few drops underneath the tongue, four times a day. Users can also add a few drops to a glass of water and sip periodically. Good for up to five years, Bach flower remedies are available in many health food stores and herbal shops.
Walnut Flower Remedy
According to the guide "The 38 Bach Flower Essences," taking walnut flower remedy is useful when facing major life changes. For those who have recently gone through divorce or separation, walnut flower remedy is said to help mend feelings of sadness and regret. Also recommended for those who have changed jobs or homes, Bach walnut flower remedy may be useful in breaking away emotionally from old ties and restrictions. It is also meant for those who are breaking free from some type of addiction.
Bach walnut flower remedy can help new mothers adapt to the many life changes that motherhood brings. It also may be given safely to children to lessen anxiety experienced during teething.
Bach walnut flower remedy may be useful for people who are eager to move forward in life but feel held back by their current situation. Taking this remedy may give them the strength to make necessary changes and remain steadfast to projects or goals that they may have previously abandoned.
Useful for counselors and therapists, Bach walnut flower remedy is said to aid the user by counteracting others' strong negative personalities. Those who may be overly sensitive to outside influences may find walnut flower remedy to be especially beneficial.