Alternatives to ADD Medication
Check the Diet
Not eating right is a key factor in ADD. Unfortunately, with our modern high-speed, high-tech lifestyles, many families don't have time to prepare good, healthy meals. Instead, it's fast-food and lots of processed and pre-packaged meals. These meals can be full of chemicals, high in fat, sugar and carbohydrates. Children need vitamins, essential fatty acids and minerals to develop proper brain chemistry.
Check for Allergies
Food allergies can lead to many ADD symptoms, everything from hostile behavior to hyperactivity to sneezing, runny nose and stomach pains. There are two types of food allergies: those to general foods and those to food additives. The former is when the child is allergic to things like peanuts, eggs, wheat and milk. In the case of additives, these can be a food dye, preservative or chemical in processed food. So, if your child becomes symptomatic after eating, take note of what they've eaten, and then consult your physician about getting them tested for being allergic to something in their food. If they are, eliminating that food or ingredient can help eliminate the ADD.
Stay Active
Unfortunately, many schools have cut physical education and reduced normal recess due to budgetary consideration and concerns about liability. The result is children are far too inactive, and for ADD children, simple physical exertion can be key to helping them control their hyperactivity. So, enrolling your child in sports, such as karate, fencing, swimming and tennis, can do a world of good as alternatives to ADD medication. Simply going for a walk every day can help; it gives them a chance to burn off some of that nervous energy they've been storing up all day.
Also, classes like karate, judo and other forms of martial arts are not just physically demanding; they also embody a way of thinking, inner discipline and spiritual quality. These can help an ADD child to learn to control herself. Along these same lines, family counselling and therapy are good alternatives to ADD medication. Often, an ADD child can feel guilty about being disruptive around the house. Counseling, allowing the parents to reassure the child that everything is all right, can help as well.