Natural Ways to Stop Diarrhea
Astringent Herbal Treatments
Many herbal treatments produce similar benefits to each other so taking every herb for a particular effect is not necessary.
Astringent herbs help reduce the amount of fluid in the stool.
For blackberry or raspberry leaf tea, prepare with 1 teaspoon of the herb in 1 cup of water or use ready-made tea bags. Drink 1 cup per half hour.
Carob powder is very soothing to irritated intestines as well. Dr. Andrew Weil recommends taking 1 tablespoon with some applesauce and honey to make it palatable. You can also dissolve it in a hydrating solution like Pedialyte.
Bilberry: Take 1,000 mg in four doses every few hours. Do not use this herb if you are taking blood-thinning medications.
Agrimony is a traditional treatment for diarrhea; take one-half teaspoon daily.
Herbs that Treat Inflammation
Quercetin is a plant-based flavanoid; take 250 to 500 mg four times a day.
Chamomile tea: Drink 1 cup three times daily during episodes of diarrhea.
Marshmallow root tea is a traditional remedy for various gastrointestinal disorders; soak 2 tablespoonsful in 1 quart of water overnight and strain. Drink as desired throughout the day.
Slippery elm powder is also a traditional remedy to soothe the intestines; use 1 ounce of the herb with 1 quart of water. Add enough water to initially make a paste and then add the rest gradually. Simmer down to 1 pint and take 1 teaspoon every half-hour to an hour.
Other Herbal Treatments
Diarrhea caused by an infection can be treated with barberry, goldenseal or Oregon grape root. These herbs all contain the same beneficial substance, berberine. It is not necessary to take all of them; one is sufficient. Use 250 to 500 mg three times a day. Do not use these herbs if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Psyllium helps bulk up the stool by absorbing excess water in the colon. Take the powder as directed on the product label.
Homeopathic Remedies
According to a review of studies that examine homeopathy as a treatment for diarrhea, the University of Maryland Medical Center thinks homeopathic remedies can treat diarrhea in some people. Homeopathic remedies take many things into account in addition to the main condition when dispensing treatment including a person's physical, emotional, and mental makeup as well as specific symptoms and conditions. Dosage instructions are on the product label.
Arsenicum album is used for malodorous diarrhea resulting from food poisoning or traveler's diarrhea that produces a burning feeling in the abdomen and in the anus. It is best for people who experience exhausted restlessness whose symptoms worsen in the cold and improve with heat. This remedy is also widely used to prevent diarrhea when traveling.
Chamomilla is used for green, foamy stool that reeks of rotten eggs. This is a popular treatment for children who are easily irritated, difficult to soothe and are quarrelsome.Calcerea is for children who are afraid of the dark or of being along. They might sweat profusely while sleeping, and their bowel movements have a sour odor.
Mercurius is recommended for those who feel very tired after bowel movements, undergo extreme fluctuations in body temperature, sweat excessively, crave cold drinks and are experiencing diarrhea with streaks of blood followed by a sensation of incomplete empyting.
Podophyllum is for painless diarrhea that comes pouring out and worsens after eating and drinking. It is best for people who experience cramping in the lower extremities.
Veratrum album is for large amounts of watery stools associated with stomach cramps, bloating, vomiting, extreme tiredness and chills.