How to Use Herbal Remedies for Bursitis
Alleviate the inflammation and pain using turmeric. The spice turmeric seems to be universally recognized among herbalists as a remedy for bursitis. Turmeric contains an ingredient called bormelian, which is an anti-inflammatory. Turmeric can be taken in food or by applying it as a paste to the affected area.
Use devil's claw as an analgesic for the pain. Devil's claw is a South African herb with large roots, which are chopped and dried in the sun for three days. It acts as a pain reliever and an anti-inflammatory agent. It is highly effective in treating bursitis.
Relieve the pain with Willow bark, which is related to aspirin. It also relieves pain and inflammation. It is recommended that this herbal remedy be applied by drinking three cups of willow bark tea (2 grams of willow bark in 8 ounces of water).
Brew ginger tea. Prepared with ginger root and honey, ginger tea is another possible herbal remedy for bursitis. It has been used by the Chinese as an anti-inflammatory and a pain reliever.
Combine Comfrey, alfalfa and chaparral. Several herbal remedies for bursitis call for comfrey, alfalfa and chaparral mixed together in equal quantities. When applied, this mixture relieves pain and inflammation.